Museo Casa di Dante (Dante Museum or House of Dante) is, as some tend to believe, one of the most successful tourist objectives in Florence. Born in the capital of Tuscany in the latter half of the 13th century, Dante and Florence have often found reasons – chiefly political – of antagonizing each other, which is why the poet was eventually exiled from Florence. However, despite such rivalries and hostilities, Florence could not but recognize the value of its greatest poet and preserve his memory as it found fit. Museo Casa di Dante is essentially a gesture of celebrating Dante’s contribution both to the universal literature and to Florence’s statute as world hub of culture. Casa di Dante displays a collection of copies of Boticelli’s drawings for the Divine Comedy, various editions of the magnum opus of Dante, as well as photographs and sundry documents invaluable for any scholar in Dante’s life and work.